La céramique sarde trouvée à Utique: quelle signification?

La céramique sarde trouvée à Utique: quelle signification?


  • Imed Ben Jerbania Institut National du Patrimoine, Tunis

Parole chiave:

Utica, Sardinia, Pottery, Phoenicians, Bronze and Iron Ages


This paper aims at proving the importance of a group of Sardinian pots found in the Phoenicians levels revealed by the recent excavations at Utica. In addition to the Phoenician-Sardinian amphorae, this material includes vases dedicated to the preparation and consumption of food and liquids. This Pottery provides new evidence of the ties that the city of Utica developed with Sardinia, and sheds light on the role indigenous people could have played in the mercantile and the Phoenician settlement system in the central and western Mediterranean.

