Aspetti sociali, organizzativi e ideologici nelle necropoli puniche: le tombe a camera di Sulky

Aspetti sociali, organizzativi e ideologici nelle necropoli puniche: le tombe a camera di Sulky


  • Paolo Bernardini Dipartimento di Storia, Scienze dell’Uomo e della Formazione – Università degli Studi di Sassari

Mots-clés :

Punic Age, Chamber Tombs, Burials of Elite, Funerary Scenography, Right of Burial, Clientele


During the 2018 excavation in the southern cemetery of Tharros – Capo San Marco a small sculpture made in the local stone was brought to light. The morphology of this artifact suggests some connection with other elements of the funerary and votive sphere in the Punic world. The statuette seems to have filled a role of protection and probably held a particular significance within the funerary eschatology.

