Vol. 46 Núm. 46 (2018): Rivista di Studi Fenici XLVI - 2018



Ida Oggiano,
La ragione nel sentimento: in ricordo di Paolo Bernardini

Fabio Porzia,
“Imagine There’s no Peoples”. A Claim against the Identity Approach in Phoenician Studies through Comparison with the Israelite Field

Samuel Wolff – Ian Stern – Adi Erlich,
A Newly Discovered Tanit Pendant from Maresha

Giorgos Bourogiannis,
The Phoenician Presence in the Aegean during the Early Iron Age: Trade, Settlement and Cultural Interaction

Anna Chiara Fariselli,
A Punic Sculpture from the New Excavations in the Southern Necropolis of Tharros-Capo San Marco

† Paolo Bernardini,
Aspetti sociali, organizzativi e ideologici nelle necropoli puniche: le tombe a camera di Sulky

Esther Rodríguez González,
The Tartessian Tumuli of the Guadian

Elisa De Sousa,
A Tale of Two (?) Cities: Lisbon and Almaraz at the Dawn of the Iron Age.

Schede e recensioni / book reviews

Pedro Albuquerque,
S. Celestino – C. López-Ruiz
, Tartessos and the Phoenicians in Iberia, Oxford 2016.

Publicado: 2018-01-01