Maschere e teste tra Sulci e Monte Sirai.

Maschere e teste tra Sulci e Monte Sirai.


  • Paolo Bernardini Dipartimento di Storia, Scienze dell’Uomo e della Formazione – Università degli Studi di Sassari

Palabras clave:

Masks, Camouflage, Stoneheads, Stelai of Monte Sirai, Stelai of Tyre


This work illustrates a golden pendant from the tophet of Sulci which depicts a young man wearing a mask. The object documents the presence of rituals and ceremonies of camouflage in the tophet and provides a significant element to approach the function of this particular type of sacred area. The recognized functional similarities between funerary masks and the stoneheads returned from the graves of Monte Sirai introduce an examination of these artifacts and their stylistic and cultural framework in light of comparisons with the stelai found in Tyre and in Monte Sirai.

