The Tharros Network Project. Origin, Evolution and Development of Punic Economy and Diet in Central-Western Sardinia (Italy)

The Tharros Network Project. Origin, Evolution and Development of Punic Economy and Diet in Central-Western Sardinia (Italy)


  • Carla Del Vais Department of Humanities, Languages and Cultural Heritage, University of Cagliari
  • Anna Chiara Fariselli Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna
  • Alfredo Carannante Mediterranean Archaeology Department, International Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology (IRIAE)
  • Salvatore Chilardi Mediterranean Archaeology Department, International Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology (IRIAE)

Palabras clave:

Sardinia, Tharros, Bioarchaeology, Palaeoecology


The Tharros Network Project is an interdisciplinary project focused on the Punic-Roman city of Tharros and the Sinis Peninsula in Sardinia, an area characterized by a high density of archaeological sites dating from Neolithic to Early Middle Ages. The project aims to reconstruct the diachronic evolution of the Sinis economy and ecology through bioarchaeological, geoarchaeological and archaeometric analyses.

Biografía del autor/a

Alfredo Carannante, Mediterranean Archaeology Department, International Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology (IRIAE)

Salvatore Chilardi, Mediterranean Archaeology Department, International Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology (IRIAE)

